Serenade to the Cynics

Just another night, lounging around at home. A real quiet night, until I got a call from a friend to go out to the St. John's campus and watch there Filipino cultural show. Why not? I wasn't really doing anything that night. So after getting a ride from a friend out to Queens to rendezvous with some other friends, we made our way to campus. When we got there, there was some Filipino food served before the show. I saw a lot of old friends, and a bunch more from my own school.
Sometime while I was catching up with some people, you came in. And just before we went into the auditorium too. Good timing.

We found some seats in the middle. You sat in front of me, a little to the right. You had your hair pulled back and wore a polka-dotted scarf across the top of your head. You looked like someone straight out of the 60s. The show was complete with your typical musical performances, cultural and modern dances, and of course tinikling. It was soaked with as much drama as those Spanish soap operas. Every now and then, this guy would pop up high to the right of the stage with a brick background and sing us a couple of his own songs.

I mean during a scene, he jsut popped out of nowhere! We both laughed at how pathetic it looked, all alone up there waiting with his guitar. All those sappy love songs he was singing. I said how someone should've throawn a battery at the guy, and you just laughed. We were harsh. We were cynical. I can't help but laugh just thinking about it.

Maybe it was a little too emo for your taste. But I gotta admit, the guy was good and maybe I was just jealous of the attention he got from the girls in the audience.

But I did get the attention of one girl tonight:
the girl with the polka-dotted scarf in her hair.

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